
Dulwich & Sydenham Hill Golf Club

Dulwich and Sydenham Hill GOLF CLUB


Our course is a celebration of its Harry Colt heritage, delivering an exceptional playing experience throughout the year.

We have developed a comprehensive investment plan for our course, including machinery, drainage & course sanding, irrigation, visually appealing features and our day-to-day operations.  This includes circa. £2m investment between 2021 and 2025, with the possibility to increase if needed.

In 2020, we embarked on a machinery acquisition and replacement programme, to ensure our green keeping team has the tools needed to fulfil our plans.

Our drainage improvement programme aims to deliver a course that is playable throughout the year.  In 2022, we will begin works on the 8th hole and following an assessment of the results and fine tuning where necessary, we will complete similar works on the 4th, 5th and 6th holes in 2023 and the 2nd, 3rd, 16th, and 17th holes in 2024.  A schedule will be defined for remaining holes in 2023/2024.

Annual plans are now in place for a small number of tee improvement works and fauna / tree maintenance.

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